By Angeloflight Godspeed
Published on 04/20/2010
As ugly as the worst in HUMANITY is, it pales in comparison to the BEAUTY in HUMANITY...

I have in the last couple of years experienced the worst in humanity. The wicked, the uncompassionate, the horribly abusive! But that's not what I want to discuss in this post. Instead I find myself over and over again filling up on the BEST IN HUMANITY. The LOVING, the KIND and the COMPASSIONATE! I would like to express how deeply GRATEFUL I am for the SOULS that have been in my life that are made of these VIRTUES and have been there for me at various CROSSROADS during the most difficult JOURNEY of my LIFE! I went through so much SADNESS, guilt and shame, all of which I desperately wanted to erase. However God always sent one of these SOULS to wipe my TEARS, to speak KIND WORDS and to offer me UNDERSTANDING! TRUTH is, as ugly as the worst in humanity is, it pales in comparison to the best in humanity, the BEAUTY within the RIGHTEOUS! The LOVE and the TENDERNESS that are within these SOULS, is most certainly their DIVINE NATURE, the GOD WITHIN! Despite what I've had to go through, and still am not FREE from, I consider myself BLESSED to have encountered so many of GOD'S CHILDREN that have cared for me so deeply! It has made the BATTLE worth the FIGHT! The VIRTUES within these SOULS proves what I have professed from the beginning, KINDNESS DOES CHANGE THE WORLD! I stand to TESTIFY, it certainly changed mine!
God Bless ALL you KIND Souls, I remain ETERNALLY GRATEFUL.
Angeloflight + + + Godspeed