By Old Soul
Published on 03/31/2010
Needless to say *Spring* is my favourite season .


Spring time is like a mystery unearthing~As the snow melts away   and we see the little bits of green apearing .  We wonder what will we see in a few more warm days after the   sun warms the ground and wakes up the little sleeping perenials~And all the snow will be gone.
 Oh tis so exciting to see them  reaching higher each  day that i pass that way.The tree in the back yard is filling up  with lovely little  pussy willows  and the cherry trees are beginning to well as the apple trees.
 I aslso notice a lot of things that were covered with the snow    that now need to be picked up and raked up.The area by the garage will soon have to be prepared   for the tomatoes  which will be planted there and give us another nice batch of delicious tomatoes.
The crocus and tulips are comming nicely and will be blooming before long.I am waiting impatiently for the rain  as i love when it rains and smells so nice and fresh after the rain.Then everything around looks so clean.
 Needless to say *Spring* is my favourite season .