Our Furry Friends
By Old Soul
Published on 03/17/2010
I love pets now as long as they are someone elses>

As far back as i can remember    our family have always loved having a pet of some kind~Finally leaving home and getting married   ~   we finally has four children rather quickly so therefore   what comes along with children ~ why pets of course~  Throughout the years we certainly had our share of different,kinds of pets~  To begin with we had a budgie  bird  which the children called  *Pretty Boy*   Well he wasnt such a pretty sit still sort of a bird ~  Always escaping the cage and eating the tops off the living room curtains~ 
 He lived for a few years then suddenly died    ~ Of course  the children had a funeraal for him even burying him in a match box from when we used wooden matches, Tears and all.
 Then came a rabbitt that some wonderful relative thought was so fuzzy and soft that made any child want it  ~ Ahh,  yes  that was*Fuzzy*     He   ran around and ate the cords on the lamps and the telephone  but i was a wee bit wiser  so  we sent him on a holiday,,
 That just wasnt enough    ~ When the children went to school   a friend asked one of them if he could leave his hamster with us until he got back,  well the hamster got loose somehow  I suppose being kids they wanted to play with him and what ever happens happened  >
 He got away.Then came two guini pigs  ~So sweet~ They were supposed to be both males.. hmm we had to give them to the school.~~But not before  they removed the finish off out nice hardwood floors     which we had at the time where we lived~
 Finally we had a little dog named Fella~ The cutest little Heinz  57     He was really tiny with a very curly little tail.
 At that time we owned a 1959 Volkswagen,  Every tine i went somewhere   *Fella* ran and jumped into the car.But the one time i thought he was in the car and he actually wasnt,,,,,,I ran over his foot.Well  he was ok ~  Just a dislocated foot and it didnt take long  to heal.  But that was the end of pets at our house. I love pets     now    as long  as they are someone elses>