Turning A New
By TheSpitfire130 Spirit
Published on 06/30/2009
I am turning a new leaf.


I am turning a new leaf in my life.  I haven't used any chemicals on my yard or in my gardens for about two years now.  Well I take that back, I just sprayed round-up on some invasive plants taking over my yard. (It needed to be done, I tried everything else)).  No chemicals on my flowers, no chemicals on my grass, and no chemicals on my vege garden. 
So my dilemma is if I can kep the organic life going.  When I find out if I am going to be different, am I still going to be able to stay organic.  I want to start shopping at a whole foods store, but I am considered poor and I don't feel I can afford the food there.  So I will be shopping at farm markets in the area and just go there for the condiments.
I am ready for this change to happen, scared out of my wits, but I am ready.  I am not going to plan anything, I am just going to wing it.  But I am going to do all of this organically.
