Choosing faith in themselves and their dreams.
By Max Lexutoff
Published on 02/27/2010
Choosing faith in themselves and their dreams.


We all have dreams - we want our lives to be more healthy, happy and rich. We want our loved ones receive a better education and better medical care. We dream of traveling to distant corners of the world. We want to have a better house, clothes and car. We dream of elite restaurants, extraordinary entertainment and emerging technologies. But, unfortunately, most people on this planet your dreams should not be. They live with a sense of hopelessness, resignation, depression and despair. They begin to believe that life will never change for the better. They accept the belief that their only destiny - it is a struggle, pain and failure. And only less than five percent of the population of the globe have realized that have the power to pull itself out of this state and build a life of their dreams. Only so few people realize that by choosing faith in themselves and their dreams, work on the mastery of his own thoughts, boldly changing their views, confidently imagine a better life, and constantly and consistently moving in the direction of their dreams, they can become architects of their own destiny.