Song of the day: Open the Eyes of my Heart, Lord.
By Morning Song
Published on 02/15/2010
Opening our spiritual eyes has richer and deeper meaning than our natural vision permits.

Many of us have been looking out of our windows to see the great mounds of snow.  Seeing the world through the eyes of our heart will help us to connect important truth to what our eyes are beholding.  Spiritual vision is perceiving life and situations with
a God-like perception.  This kind of perception will be based on Bible truths and concepts that come to mind through our heart understanding, such as, seeing with compassion and love; or "seeing" with understanding and tolerance.  For example, when we see the great mounds of snow out our windows, our heart vision reminds us of those who have been laboring to help the community with snow removal, and their families as well.  This "heart vision" gives us appreciation, and it may even cause us to express a kindness in return to others.  Let us "see" beyond our natural vision today.  WHY?  You ask?   So that we can be encouragers, caring neighbors, and participators in the "good" of our society.