I Love a 2 Hour Delay!
By Earth Mama
Published on 02/1/2010
2 unplanned, unscheduled hours of fun with my baby.

It is said that Americans spend less time with their children than do other many other parents aroung the world.  I can attest to that.  It seems like I never have enough time to spend with my child.  I am a single working mother and like many other parents I long for more time to spend with my baby boy (while he is still interested in spending time with me). 

Career woman that I am, I constantly desire a 3- 4 day work week or a work- from-home schedule that will afford me the opportunity to have just a few more hours a day available to spend quality time with my boy.  I love taking the time to prepare home cooked meals and have leisurely conversations and play, but time usually does not permit for enough of this. 

That's why we love our 2 hour delays!  They are the best on Monday mornings.  Mother Nature was kind enough to sprinkle her "Slow Dust" (otherwise know as snow flakes) over the land this weekend in the northeast.  Thanks to her for slowing us down and keeping us indoors to play, read, listen to music, eat my wonderful creations  and enjoy the comforts of home.  

We pulled out the Boogie Board (my 7 year old son's idea) you know, the one you use at the beach to ride the waves?  We put on beach music, pulled each other around on the Boogie Board and had a breakfast picnic in the middle of the living room floor complete.   

We talked, laughed and told jokes.  It was so much fun.  It's amazing what you can do with 2 unplanned, unscheduled hours.

These are the best of times. Thank you God for sending me this bundle of joy to remind me how much fun  spontaneity can be.

On this Monday morning we left the house smiling!

Thank you Mother Nature!