The journey of 10,000 miles begins with a single step
By Meghan French
Published on 01/29/2010
We all want to make a difference in this world. We have our personal causes or favorite charities that we support and we hope that a difference is felt. How do we start to make a personal and active difference? What should that first, single step be?

We all want to make a difference in this world.  We have our personal causes or favorite charities that we support and we hope that a difference is felt.  How do we start to make a personal and active difference?  What should that first, single step be?  I have so many things that I want to do, I often get overwhelmed.  As someone who is recovering from an eating disorder, I want to be able to share my experience with other women - how? most of us want to stay anonymous.  How can I let them know that it can be better?  The other dream of mine is to start my own centre for autistic children and their siblings.  With my own 9 year being autistic, it has been frustrating trying to help him make friends and participate.  He doesn't have a support worker after school hours - the wait list is too long.  There are no play groups or social skills groups in our neighborhood.  There is a place he can go that is a half hour drive from us, but we have to book a week ahead of time, it will cost us 15 GBP (pounds) to go AND it is only for him.  My younger son cannot go with him. 

I was feeling frustrated and full of despair because there was no place for both of my kids to go and play together.  There isn't even a local autism chapter in our neighborhood - the closest is  a 45 minute drive away.  The support groups for parents are only for parents and the social groups for autistic children are for teenagers only.  I was all set to complain and to write a letter, or to eat an entire vat of chocolate.  And then it hit me - I can make something happen.  Maybe I could organize a drop in play group, or volunteer to start a chapter here.  I am not currently working, so maybe I could do this.

Then I realized that I could absolutely do this, and be able to charge families only 2 or 3 pounds to come.

My plan is to rent a couple of rooms from the local community centre - they have a kitchen where parents can have a cup of tea or coffee.  There is already a play room with books and toys and art supplies, so I wouldn't have to buy much to start.  Autistic children could come with their siblings and wouldn't even need a formal diagnosis.  Yes, my first step has been taken.

Wish me luck with rest.