The beginning and End to Peace Education is peace from essay: Peace map..
By John Goodman
Published on 01/20/2010
This is it what I've been talking about for the past 20 years the synopsis of the history of mankinds journey to express our self....just read it if you like it then read again ,then if you still like it read one more time ,,then if you are still liking it then write A comment.. thanks!

Expression Age:History 1776-2010 U.S.A. the moods & ideas of the free world.
 1st---Was you have freedom of religion, words ,say what you want freedom of speech.
 2nd---Was allow everyone to choose what they want to do, who you'd like to associate with, so all can be
 Now--- 3rd for Peace measures and in order for a peaceful world, we must search out, 'Dig' for the children the youngsters, from adolescence & up the gifts, talents! find their inner skill! So we'll have a Easier life more  freeier, satisfied, Peaceful World!!