Risk It: Try, Try Again
By Humanitarian Heart
Published on 01/11/2010
10 Days In and I've Already Been Knocked Down. :S

Well I haven't done much to "risk it" lately, but that is becuase I have been working my butt off trying to keep up with my first week back to college since Christmas. Crazy amounts of homework.

Turns out though, I should have been doing a lot more to risk it--that is if I wanted to please other people.
Nothing worse than being told you're boring, as your attempting to change all the things about you that keep you from trying new things. Even worse is when it comes from the boyfriend.

"I just feel like we don't do anything, even when we played didn't seem like you wanted to."
"'re saying that your bored?"
"I guess so...we just don't ever do anything together."

(this of course is a slightly shorter version of the conversation)

I guess I need to fix something. I keep saying I'm trying, but maybe I'm trying to try. Time to wake up and take some real actions rather than trying to take action.

I will try, try again.