Here I Go!!!
By mystic deleon
Published on 01/6/2010
For all those who said I could do nothing with my life...this is for you :)

So it is now year 2010 and i find myself asking, "What are you going to do this year Mystic?"
Well finally i have an answer. I am going to do "ME." Not to put myself on a cloud, but people seem to be facsinated with all that is "Mystic." To be honest, i am not all that put together. I have issuses like everyone else, but like everyone else, i always consume myself with others and their problems to get away from mine. So sure to everyone else i am awesome and they get what they want as well, it appears that everyone is happy....not the case exactly.
Last year, i fired my parents, if you can imagine that. As controversial as it is, you have to be in my situation to know that i should have done this years ago. Since then i have been on this mission to rebuild my life, while maintaining who I am. I am a hit or miss with people, either you really like me or you really hate me. Either way, i still live my life. Until now i have always lived it for others, now i am going to do it for myself starting by rebuilding my body. Two months ago i decided i didn't want to be fat anymore, weighing in at 318 lbs. and only 5'3".
So i have been on a long holiday break from the gym but i have been watching myself and weighed in today at 295. So i am going to iron out some things around my schedule and my home life and get back on my workout schedule on monday the 11th. I will keep posted what i eat and my workout for the day. My goal is to in one year, to be half my size. If it happens sooner, obviously, i won't have any complaints, but i want to prove that anyone can do this. In my life i have every excuse not to care about myself or anyone else for that matter, but even with the negative that surrounds me, i will do this and prove that i am worth it.
So to all my clients, i will still be here, but with less time on my hands. It is time i put myself to work for myself and my family. They deserve my best and until recently, all they have heard is how i give my best to everyone else. I love you all and hope you follow along with me. The tables have turned and if i can half as hard on myself as i am on everyone else, i have this one in the bag.
Until later, find something you think you can't do, and challenge yourself to do it. You don't have anyone to let down but yourself. Let's get MOVING!!!