Let us shine brighter from 2010 and beyond
By Robert De Souza
Published on 12/29/2009
As Ghandhiji said: Be The Change You want to see in the World, I believe we can achieve this dream to live and lead a better legacy for humanity. Let us start with being happy as this is priceless and something we fail to do. If you are family with HPI then you will resonate with the link below:

As a social business innovator, I am passionate about making a bigger difference to empower, enrich and evolve our lives more effectively.

I am happy to learn more about as many success stories that touch millions of lives.

I feel so blessed that there are so many change makers here who truly care about others and want to share their individual gifts, talent, resources.

I look forward to collaborating with like minded change agents who want to shine their light brighter everyday we breathe.

Namaste. Love and best wishes for 2010 to you and your family.