senior help in dating
By happy senior
Published on 12/28/2009
Read my blogs if you need advice on dating, "Seniors", our days are going by too fast, meet someone these ways.

How do we start dating in our over 50 years?
 I have hundreds of ways to meet someone.
 Each time you try a way, the next time will be easier.
 Remember the question"what is the worst thing that can happen", so do something!
 I do not suggest bars or night clubs.
 Look for a date to have fun, not marrage.
Each blog I will tell you a different way.
(1) When you walk into a room full of people you do not know, stop,look around and think "who is having fun"?  Go to that group. Do not just stand alone. God gave you a voice as He did with those people.Put your hand out, while looking into the eyes of someone, (they WILL put their hand out) keep a smile on your face, shake with a firm hand shake.You want to meet someone so be happy about it( even if your frighten). "I am here to meet new people and this group looked like you were having fun. My name is======. What is your name"? 
 People do what you expect so conversation WILL happen.
 Say the persons name twice out loud (while you are thinking of someone with the same name) or think of something to remind you of the name.

  More tomorrow=== meanwhile try this!!!!