think about it!
By morgan alward
Published on 12/5/2009
why should some people have better rights then others. we're all the same species and even then animals have rights to!

every one is different be it looks or personalitys, that dose not mean any one person is below some one else. animals have beed one this wonderful planet, our earth, centeries longer that we and they've done well so far. in their every thing is fair it may not seem like it but thats life. in our world nothings fair people get cheated out of their money all because of the humans way of "simplafing" things(which has done very little so far). from the simple days of just tring to find foo, to worring how high tax will be this month. as a photograpger i see the world differently compared to most, and i quote the world is a beautfull place if we all could just look past our little cubicals. 

with all this poluting and pestisieds so theres no bugs eating "our" food. well wakie wakie there are tiny tiny little creaters THAT NEED TO EAT  TO and its not your food, its every ones(but that dose not mean you can go take the food other people are useing eather). and hay since when did you have to pay  just to not starve. think of how simple life would be if... hmm let me see if time did not exist well it dosen't its just a way to stay organized. and what if you did not have to pay for cloths i mean what are poor people supposed to do walk around naked, oh but then they would be fined for money they don't have.

this kind of stuff needs to be thought of a wwhole lot more and if some one my age is comeplaining well then FOR SHAME ON THOSE WHO COULD NOT CARE LESS! i mean i am only 13 i don't even have a job but that dose not mean i dont want a wreaked planet to live on think about this the next time you see some on on the street food less and all ya next time ;)!           

                                              - Morgan Alward